First delivery ready for distribution The Bali Community Appeal is already putting donations to work.

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Today is an important milestone for the Bali Community Appeal. Graeme and the team have sourced and had delivered over 500kgs of rice, a huge amount of fresh vegetables and over 50 dozen farm-fresh eggs to the pub.

All this has been sourced from local suppliers, instead of the big chain supermarkets, to help stimulate the local economy as much as possible. So your donations are helping the local community in several ways, including suppliers and farmers.

The small but incredibly hard-working team have been at The Orchard since early this morning sorting and repacking individual allotments for distribution today to the local community.

To avoid a massive first-day crowd we decided to contact the first-wave list of intended recipients directly, rather than just posting a free-for-all on social media and risk too many people coming at once.

We did this to ensure we are getting the aid to the people who need it most in our local community and over the coming days we will expand this to as many people as we can supply from the community of artists, musicians, sound engineers, stagehands, bar and kitchen staff, back-of-house, security and the local people who support us when times are good, but now need supporting themselves because they have no income or government support to feed their families.

We are also one more delivery away from running out of funds, so we desperately need your help to spread this message as far and wide as possible.

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