Made Rai Says Thank You Please say hello to Made Rai. You helped her and her family with your donation.

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Please say hello to Made Rai. You helped her and her family with your donation and she wants to say thank you.

When Made arrived at The Orchard today I instantly burst into tears and started crying because she was my neighbour about 5 years ago. She remembers what it was like when she was hungry when she was a child. We both do.

She has 3 children, and for the last few weeks, she could only feed them with a little bit of rice with some seasoning.

Made never complains about her situation. She never stops caring for others around here, for her children, and for the children of others even less fortunate than herself. Even in the face of this adversity. Made is a warrior!!

She helped me personally, and my friends too, back a few years ago when I really needed help. So to be part of the team that is helping give back to the local community that I love with all my heart makes me cry with joy, and a little bit of sadness too.

My friend and I gave a little money to her as well. We can’t give her money from the Appeal fund because everything is going into buying supplies.

She’s so grateful for this food and wants you all to know how very much she and her family appreciate your donations.

Thanks to your donations, she now has fresh vegetables and cooking oil she can exchange with her neighbours for things she doesn’t have, like tempe and tofu. She’s always so kind to everyone around her.

Thanks to you all for making this happen so we can help a person like Made.

You can help by donating to the Bali Musicians’ Appeal or sharing this page to help get the word out.


Love and respect,
Rheta — Distribution, Bali Musicians’ Appeal

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